Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Lowered obesity rates with The Mediterranean Diet

The CDC states that between 72 and 75 percent of the U.S. population is overweight. Out of that percentage, roughly 34% are considered obese. Out of that 34% only about 6% have a genetic reason for being obese. And out of those 6%, The Medical Research Council’s Epidemiology Unit in Cambridge states that roughly 40% of those people could actually stop being obese simply by incorporating a regular exercise routine.
Genetic obesity is largely a myth. It is created by a society of fat people to make them feel good about themselves instead of depressed at being an unhealthy glob of grease waddling around. It’s a feel-good solution for a very small group of people who want to feel better about their unsightly and unhealthy selves.
Obesity is not sexy. Obesity is not healthy. Obesity is in no way, shape or form good for you. It causes diabetes, heart issues, lung issues, bone issues, cartilage issues and is considered the number one, leading cause of health issues and associated in the United States. It is a trillion dollar tax burden.
The above paragraphs sound harsh. But if you look at the numbers (not mine; global scientists and the CDC use these figures), only the smallest minority of people struggling with obesity (six percent) have an actual genetic reason for being obese…and out of that small, select group roughly half could change their lives for the better simply by incorporating regular exercise into their lives.
It’s a small start, but it’s a start nevertheless. Healthy living is 70% diet and only 30% regular physical fitness, and while The Mediterranean Diet can go a long way to changing lives and curing diabetes and other illnesses, you still have to perform some regular fitness to keep your body functioning at peak levels. Forget the sexy, toned body for a moment; that’s just a result of living healthy. It’s like icing on the cake. But before you can bake that cake you first have to bring together the ingredients…and that’s where the combination of diet and exercise come into play.
Anyone who says they don’t mind being overweight or obese is lying. Anyone who says fat is sexy is full of it. Not only is it socially uncomfortable to be overweight or obese, it’s also taxing on your health. Everyone wants to have the body of a Greek god or goddess, and everyone wants to consequently live as long as possible. Neither of these things are possible unless you are combining good food (such as with The Mediterranean Diet) with regular fitness.
People who say that they love their bodies just the way they are even if they are overweight or obese…..I don’t believe you. I don’t believe that you don’t want to sleep better, have better sex, have an increased sex drive, increased mobility, lower blood pressure, reduced risk of diabetes and even cure certain types, reduce your chance of fertility anomalies, avoid arthritis in your back and lower limbs, breathe easier, increase your ability to focus, reduce your risk of gallstones, stroke, coronary artery disease, cancer, mental health issues, ability to carry a healthy child, or live a longer, healthier life and much, much more.
Nope, I don’t believe you for a second. 
The Mediterranean Lifestyle is 70% diet and 30% exercise. If you truly want to change your life, if you truly want to become the human being nature intended you to be, if you truly want to become an Olympian with absolute health and wellness and live a long, fruitful life with the body and health levels that nature intended you to have…there is only one choice. Eat right, work out and stop blaming your genes for something that is all in your head.
Find out more information at the full article, which you can read here.

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